Emojis are becoming more and more popular in our communication: whether it's chats, comments on social networks or e-mails, we use them almost without realizing it. When it comes to strictly professional communication, things seem a bit more complicated. This is the reason why we decided to make a list of all the questions we’ve been asked about emojis and their use in email marketing.
1. What is an emoji?
We have no doubt that most of our readers know the answer of this question. Nevertheless we start with it to emphasize the important distinction between emoji and emoticons. Emoticons try to reproduce an emotion or facial expression using only the symbols we can find on a keyboard. For example :) ;( :* The emojis, on the other hand, are images that may illustrate a face, an emotion, but also an object or an animal:💥😎🍉🐶
2. Can I use them in the context of business communication?
This is a question that our customers often ask us. The usual advice is to use them with caution. Before deciding if you are going to include emojis in your next newsletter, you need to know who are you addressing. If your company’s target audience is young, it might be a good idea to try to reduce the distance between you and your customers and adopt a less official language. In this sense emojis are a good choice. However, if you communicate in B2B, it is better to avoid them to the maximum, otherwise you risk compromising the confidence your partners and customers have in you.
3. What is the effect of emojis in email marketing?
According to a survey done by Return Path, the use of emojis in the e-mail subject line increases their opening rate. However, the Director of research at Return Path highlights an important detail: the novelty factor also plays a significant role in these results. Customers are not used to receiving newsletters with emoji so it gets their attention. One thing is certain, no one has a magic formula that will guarantee you a near 100% open rate. Our advice is to always test your ideas on a part of your mailing list before adopting a new strategy. This will help you to get to know your audience and will make your communication easier and more effective.
4. Are emojis displayed in the same way everywhere?
Emoji may appear differently depending on the email service provider, the browser or the phone brand. That is why we recommend that you preview them on different devices before using them. For your convenience you can use emojipedia to see all the possible ways to display a chosen emoji as shown in the image below.