The title
Often we forget to talk about this important element of the email marketing. The title of your message is the first thing your customer will see in his mailbox. And it will make him decide if what’s inside interests him enough to open it or he’d rather remove it directly to the trash. Therefore, try to write clear and concise titles. If you know your public well, you will have no problem arousing their curiosity. If this is not the case, test out several strategies and see what works best for your particular audience. Our little advice here would be to avoid special signs such as €, £, $ or ¢ because you would risk going directly into the SPAM folder and never reach the client.
The header
Let's start with the header. It must be a nice item in your mail that attracts attention and makes you want to read the rest. But its function is not limited to that: besides being beautiful, your header must also help your customer to identify your company. The place of the logo here is therefore really important. It is good to give your readers the opportunity to contact you from the beginning of your mail. However, in order not to load the newsletter with a lot of text, we advise you to turn your header into a hyperlink. This way your customer will be on your site with just one click!
The body
Here you address a direct message to your audience: write it in a simple, clear and concise way. Avoid long and complex sentences. Be specific: what do you offer, when, where, how and at what price. Make sure your text is well formatted and easy to read!
Call to action button
After informing your customer about the new products or services you offer or about your current promotions, do not forget to include in your mail a button that calls for action. This is an important element without which you can lose a potential customer who would be interested in your offer but who would not have the time or patience to search the product in question throughout your website.
The footer
Although it comes last, it is a very important element in your e-mail. Its purpose is to give to the customer some practical information about your company: for example its name and postal address. It's good to also include buttons to your social networks and make it easier for your clients to connect with you there. Another detail of great importance is the unsubscribe link. According to European law you are obliged to provide an easy solution so that your client could easily stop receiving your messages if he wishes so. The advice we can give you here is to add also the option of controlling the frequency of emails. In this way if a customer wants to stay informed about what's new in your business, but if he finds that the emails are quite frequent, he can simply check the option of receiving news once a month for example.
Do not forget the mobile version
After you have thought about all the important elements in your e-mail, you should test it before sending it to customers. See how it appears on different media: phone, tablet or desktop.